Dissertation Publication
A Historical Odyssey, Replicas, and Evolving Interpretations
Michelangelo’s David sculpture is an enduring masterpiece that transcends time, connecting art, history, and contemporary culture. This publication delves into David’s narrative, examining its historical origins, the evolution of replicas, and contemporary interpretations. Exploring these layers sheds light on how masterpieces like David influence and are influenced by historical, cultural, and technical changes.
This publication is a delicate and elegant book that gracefully captures the beauty of small details. It invites readers to appreciate the subtle enchantment of the sculpture’s intricacies, offering a refined exploration of the multiple perspectives throughout history.
Chapter One Intro
Chapter One Intro
Contemporary example
Contemporary example
Double spread
Double spread
Sub Headline - Gold detail
Sub Headline - Gold detail

from Concept to 
This publication presents my dissertation, “Michelangelo’s David: A Historical Odyssey, Replicas and Evolving Interpretations,” reimagined as an immersive publication that merges historical richness with contemporary design elements. Inspired by modern publishing practices, the publication’s structure aligns with the dissertation’s narrative flow, echoing its chronological progression from the 1500s to the present day.

Strategically placed inserts, such as discussions on ‘Thing Theory’ and ‘The Work of Art in the Age of its Technological Reproducibility,’ serve to enhance the reader’s understanding, while supplementary photographs provide multifaceted perspectives of David and his replicas. Material choices further reflect the project’s theme, evoking a sense of historical significance while maintaining a modern, interactive aesthetic. Innovative binding styles, as well as embossing and screen-printing techniques, bring a tactile, immersive dimension to the publication, offering readers a dynamic journey through the evolving interpretations of one of art history’s most iconic works.

The brief challenged me to publish my dissertation, ”Michelangelo’s David: A Historical Odyssey, Replicas and Evolving Interpretations,” in an innovative form, moving beyond traditional academic formats. This required rethinking its structure, content, and presentation to engage a wider audience. The goal was to explore contemporary publishing practices – whether digital, physical, or hybrid – while enhancing the original content through visual elements, interactive features, and experimental design techniques, all while maintaining the integrity of the dissertation’s original research and narrative.
Michelangelo's David in Florence
Michelangelo's David in Florence

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